10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Home-School Gym Class - Home-School Gym Class Session 1 Our Home-school Gym programs’ engaging and inclusive fitnesscurriculum is designed to promote physical activity, teamwork,and overall well-being for home-school students. Our programencourages individual progress and fosters a sense of community,making physical education an enjoyable and integral part of thehome-school experience. Open to grades K-8th. Gym activitiesconsist of 6 weeks of 45-minute group sessions, once a week.Fee: $45 per participantWho: Grades K - 8thWhere: TCCC GymnasiumWhen: Tuesdays, 10:00 am - 11:30 amFall Session: October 8th - November 19th (No class on November 5th)